Past Work: BOSS Kidz

boss kidz bayside church logo design artistic liquid

boss kidz bayside church web design artistic liquid

boss kidz bayside church web design artistic liquid login details

boss kidz bayside church web design artistic liquid 2

boss kidz bayside church web design artistic liquid 3


BOSS Kidz - Children's ministry at Bayside Church(Sacramento)


Logo/Identity, Website Design and Development


Bayside Church(Sacramento) hired us to design and develop a fun, interactive website for children and parents. With features like membership login, online games, and fun colorful graphics, this was a fun project for us to create. It may look simple from the outside, but this website is very robust on the back end.


At the BOSS Kidz Children’s Ministry, we create an environment for learning God’s basic Bible instructions and principles for young believers with the purpose of bringing them to an understanding of God’s love and into a real relationship with Christ.